Thursday, November 09, 2006



Much ado has been made about the comments of senior members within the Democratic Party regarding the possible impeachment of President Bush. Some, such as myself support it vigorously, however I am fortunate enough that I do not have to do all the leg work, legal research and logistics to participate in determining whether such actions are warranted. Those to whom it is left to determine that particular fate are required to pursue it through means that are much more subtle, intricate, delicate and complex than any blog rant of mine. I believe that it would be improper, for any politician, without having performed the required due diligence, to suggest whether the President will be impeached. That would show bias.

Yes, we writers are able to say that the President should or should not be impeached. We are also able to ask with fervor, “Are you going to impeach the President”? We have that right because we are American’s and the laws of the land preserve that right. Politicians don’t have such liberty so as to throw timing to the wind. So, if pressed in an untimely manner on such an issue a wise politician would certainly say no. They would probably do that for a couple of reasons. First, as I mentioned, there is much work to be done before there can be any such determination. Secondly, there is no need for the Democratic leadership to be guilty of the same brusqueness, arrogance and hubris of which the current administration has been a participant.

In the political field, let us have two things happen which have absent from American politics for some time. Let the laws of the land which were created by the founders of this country do their work for the American people and let the representatives of the people truly represent the people. If we trust in those factors contained in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the truths they contain therein then, we can rest assured and secure that Justice and Balance will reign.

If there is a bit of Diplomacy occurring in the early stages of the Democratic resurgence then that is beautiful. Because diplomacy is also something that has been missing for far too long. Congrats to the Crats; as the polls reflected, America is looking forward to your reign.

Security or Strategy: Either Way, Bush Must Go!

Now that the House and Senate are surfing on the anti-Bush big wave there is a moment of opportunity that must not be squandered. President Bush must be impeached or forced to resign before he can be impeached.

First and foremost, from a national security perspective, President Bush has made this country weaker. Whether it is long term access to proven oil reserves or, the 5 Billion gallons of oil that has been consumed during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or, the loss of potential oil properties to other nations or, the global hatred for America or, the missing weapons of mass destruction or, creating more terrorists that hate America, or leading 3,000 American soldiers to their death or, turning the US into the world’s biggest tyrant or, nurturing hatred for the United States around the world, or trying to impose his personal beliefs on the rest of the world or, approving the largest domestic spying operation on American citizens in US history or, reading a book while the world trade centers burned. There is no good thing left about Bush. Every move, every action he has taken has made America weaker. Not to mention Abu Graib, Plamegate, secret prisons and Jack Abramoff. Without a doubt, George W. Bush will go down as one of the worst, if not the worst, President in the history of the United States. His legacy will be one of how not to be President.

At what time in American history has the US Bill of Rights and Constitution ever been so viciously attacked? While America’s youth is dying in some godforsaken—hold on…deep breaths; while America’s men and women in uniform give everything they have, sacrificing life, limb, family and home for America; George W. Bush and the neocons are shoving the Patriot Act down our throats, doing end runs around the FISA courts and spying on more Americans than J. Edgar Hoover ever did. Thank God, for all the military people which have stepped forward to question this President regardless of the threat to their careers. They placed principles before power.

George W. Bush has done more damage to this country’s reputation during his term than anyone in the history of the country. The NeoCon deception, backstabbing, attacking, lying, propaganda machine was an unstoppable behemoth until the Democratic Party and its strategist put an end to its lies with victories in the House and Senate. The next day; Donald Rumsfeld resigns while Bush makes nice with Nancy Pelosi. It’s so obvious and so sick; that we are dealing with a culture of corruption that has no commitment to anything except greed and survival. It is so ugly, snakelike and separate from our natural process that we don’t want to see it. The truth is that there are a people who care only about themselves, their power and their money. Anything that comes from their mouths is to protect one of those things. It has nothing to do with principles.

Impeaching George Bush is the only way for America to wipe the slate clean. It is the only way for America to get a fresh start at home and abroad. It is the only proper way for America to cleanse its wounds and start a sincere healing process. It is the only way to get our soldiers home and protect them while they are overseas. Impeaching George Bush is really the only way that America still has a real future. It is a window of opportunity. Before you can clean up a huge mess you have to stop the mess maker.

If impeachment isn’t pursued Democrats are going to get kicked in the ass and may not win the next election. Even if they win the next election, if impeachment was not pursued, they are not going to be able to blame Bush while they clean up behind him. And there is, oh so much cleaning to do! Speaking of elections, I came upon a fascinating point while reading David Swanson’s excellent article, “A Bulk Rate on Printing Subpoenas?” published in the American Chronicle. As Mr. Swanson so eloquently put it, “In each of the nine cases in the past when one party has raised impeachment, that party has benefitted in the next elections. In other cases when a party has failed to press for impeachment when the grounds for it were widely known, that party has suffered. (Remember Iran Contra?)” Thank you, Dave. When I read that it resonated, it touched a chord. Karl Rove and the neocon strategist would be eating up and utilizing that type of information like a free all you can eat buffet at Denny’s. So whether it is for America’s security or Democratic strategy, George Bush has to go. At this time, both security and strategy go hand in hand. The timing looks auspicious.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


What a day for news and an ironic day at that. As the neocon establishment heads for the hills, finally forced to look at the quagmire known as Iraq; China is busy making moves on the diplomatic front. Synchronicity or coincidence, I’m not sure, but as President Bush and Co. is getting rebuked by the military establishment and deserting neocons; China just finished hosting Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Interestingly enough, the points China is scoring are exactly the ones the US is losing.

The war in Iraq has not only cost lives and tax dollars but the US has lost a lot of love in the Arabic and Muslim nations. According to the Harvard International Review


“…the development of Saudi-US relations held the seeds of its own destruction and was all but destroyed after the crisis of September 11, 2001.”

Those words were written in the winter of 2005 and trust me; the ongoing war in Iraq hasn’t done anything to help improve US relations with the Arab world. That really is too bad because, historically there was a great deal of strength to the Saudi-US relationship and its’ foundation with the historic meeting between FDR and King Abdulaziz. Unfortunately, America is now viewed as an occupier and biased colluder with Israel in attacking the Arab world while supporting the continued development of Israeli settlements on the West Bank. To put it more simply the US is viewed as a perpetual accomplice in the wholesale destruction of the Palestinian people. This is not a way to win friends and influence people in the Middle East. Let us see what China was doing today.

From the People’s Daily Online:

“Chinese President Hu Jintao and Egyptian President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak Tuesday pledged to further strengthen bilateral strategic cooperative relations as the two countries are celebrating 50-year-old official ties.”

Later we see this.

“Mubarak introduced the situation of Middle East and Egypt's viewpoints on the issue.

Hu said China will always stand on the side of Arabian people, and advocates to settle the issue through political negotiations based on relevant UN resolutions.”

Wow, I thought to myself, did he really say the “always” word? I’m no Georgetown graduate but, that is pretty heavy diplospeak. I had to do some more research to confirm and yes; there it was in black and white. I found it at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies. (

June 1, 2006

“China will always support the just cause of the Arab people for national legitimate rights.”

Wow! Again; I didn’t even know you were allowed to do that. Isn’t AIPAC or some media outlet going to give them a spanking? I remembered when Israel approved the Dubai Ports deal doesn’t China have to go through some red tape? I’d never read anything like this in my life; which tells you; I really don’t get out much. Then I thought about it…China…strategy…Lao Tzu. What was China’s motive? Why were they capitulating to the Arab and Islamic world instead of blind allegiance to Israel? Then I came across a wonderful little chart at and it all started to make sense.

Data Up Through 2005
NR = Not Reported
Saudi Arabia
















United States of America












Great Britain












Three of the top five countries in the world with proven oil reserves were Arab/Muslim countries. The other two in the top five were Canada whose oil reserves require more expensive refining methods and Venezuela, who’s President Hugo Chavez, recently suffered sulfur burns inside his proboscis while referring to George Bush as the devil.

As far as long term oil supplies go it looks like the diplomatic score is China/Diplomacy 1, America/War 0.

In another synchronous example; we have the return of an American and a Brit who were kidnapped while mapping petroleum deposits of Nigeria’s coast. The fact that they were returned safe is good news. The fact that the kidnapping was one incident among a host of violent acts that has cut Nigeria’s oil production by roughly 25%, is not a good indicator for US strategy in the area. That is, of course, if you believe that it is no coincidence that both kidnapped men worked for Chevron. Thus stands the US relationship with Africa’s largest oil producer and one of the world’s top ten petroleum exporters. So let us once again take a look at China’s diplomatic, “Art of the Real”.

On this same day, during Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s visit, some of the Chinese strategy is revealed. In the same speech mentioning, “the just cause of the Arab people”, Chinese President Hu Jintao, says the following.

“On Sino-African relations, Hu said China and African countries are sincere friends and close brothers. The Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) is a milestone in China- Africa mutually beneficial cooperation and will have a special impact in the history of Sino-African relationship, he said.”

Did Hu Jintao just hi-five his African “brothers”. Damn! (By the way, for those of you unaware, yes, Egypt is in Africa; I know that causes no small amount of pain for certain intellects, but it is true). Well, you might say, that is a very general commitment and has no specific bearing on China and Nigerian oil. And you know what I would say, “You are right!” Then I would say, give me a moment for some brief research and I’ll tell you what China is doing with Nigeria. Then you might say, well, how do you know they are doing anything? Then I would say, “I know because, they are doing it all over the world.” Let’s have a look.

According to Reuters here is what is happening with China and Nigeria. To include everything that China is doing with Africa would require pages.

July 2005 - China and Nigeria sign an $800 million crude oil deal between Petrochina International and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. to supply 30,000 barrels of crude oil per day to China.

Jan 2006 - China's top offshore oil producer CNOOC agrees to pay $2.3 billion for a stake in an oil and gas field in Nigeria, Africa's biggest oil-producer. The deal is China's largest ever overseas acquisition.

November 2006 - At a summit in Beijing, 12 Chinese firms and African governments and companies sign deals worth $1.9 billion involving 11 African countries covering areas such as infrastructure, telecoms and technological equipment, mineral resource development and insurance.

That should be sufficient evidence. The incredible thing about the Chinese style is once you know it; you don’t have to know what they are doing, because you already know.

Today’s Oil Scoreboard wraps up with a final score of China 2 America 0. I hope this foreign policy thing doesn’t go the way of US Men’s Olympic Basketball. Perhaps, America should steal a glance at China’s legendary playbook, The Art of War.

Chapter Three, Attack by Strategem, states the following.

“Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.”

From the outside; it looks like somebody has been studying their Playbook.

Monday, November 06, 2006



How much information does one need? How many times does something have to be reiterated? How many people, in how many places, in what occupation; have to say the same thing in order to get the message across?

Now the Military Times is speaking through at least four of their newspapers which happen to be, The Marine Corps Times, The Air Force Times, The Army Times and The Navy Times. Can anyone guess what they are saying? They are asking, no…wait, they are telling President Bush that Rumseld must go. How many straws does it take to break in to a red stater’s noggin or a blue state politicians’, for that matter. Excluding, of course, the ones that objected to Bush’s election and the War in the first place. How many of those were there? Not to get sidetracked, it will be hard to ascribe this Military Times editorial to a bunch of left wing kooks that just can’t identify with Middle America. I really think you would be hard pressed to find any pro gun control, gay marriage supporting atheists, in their newsroom or drinking chi-chi’s by the copier, although; it is hard to resist a good chi-chi. No, no my friendly reader let me tell you what the Military Times is all about or better yet I shall show you.

The following quote is taken from, or more simply put It is located in the “About Us” section. Ask and ye shall receive.
“Defense News and its Web site, , are part of the Army Times Publishing Company, the leading military and government news periodical publisher in the world. The defense business-to-business unit of the Army Times Publishing Company is called the Defense News Media Group, and includes the following publications: Defense News, Armed Forces Journal, Training & Simulation Journal and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Journal, along with their Web sites. Army Times Publishing Company’s products also include Army Times, Navy Times, Air Force Time and Marine Corps Times, collectively known as the Military Times Media Group. The Military Times Media Group newsweeklies and companion Web sites are for the rank and file of the U.S. military, covering pay, benefit, career, operational and lifestyle issues affecting the active duty military and the wider U.S. military community. Army Times Publishing Company also produces Federal Times, the leading newsweekly for federal government managers, covering key management issues within all U.S. government departments and agencies.”

Now, when The Military times is telling the President that “Donald Rumsfeld must go”, it could also be inferred that if Donald Rumsfeld doesn’t go that the President’s leadership is in question. It is also a statement that selecting Donald Rumsfeld to be the Secretary of Defense was a horrendous decision and responsible for the mess in Iraq. That’s a pretty hefty statement from “the leading military and government news periodical publisher in the world.” Then you can throw into the pot a host of neocon prototypes fleeing from the scene. According to Vanity Fair and The Guardian; Keith Adelman, Richard Perle, Michael Rubin, David Frum and a host of others are turning on President Bush. Oh my, oh my, timing is everything, is it not? The real irony is that some of these names are hugely responsible for the failed neocon strategy that has consumed world since the Bush Presidency began.

Adelman wrote that “liberating Iraq would be a cakewalk”. Then there is Richard Perle of Plamegate, Chalabi and Mujahedin-e-Khalq.
See (

Then there is David Frum i.e. Mr. Axis of Evil. I tell you Michael Jackson never moon walked this good. When these guys are running; you know the house is on fire. Not to mention, the recent loads of corporate cash flowing over to the Democrats. They always say follow the money. So wake up everybody and check out the Open Source Internet Intelligence Service, specifically,

It’s an April 27, 2006 article called “Blood on the Water” and it is exactly what’s happening now.
The funny thing is that when this whole debacle is over it’s going to be hip to be “progressive”. The unfortunate thing is that many of the supporters of the failed neocon agenda may still be ensconced in their Washington seats, similar to all the Iran-Contra types still loitering around D.C. Who knows, maybe there are some openings at Fox News or The World Bank? Just remember what happened to Joe Leiberman. Where is he now anyway? Wasn’t he a democratic choice for President? John Kerry, well, I think he is pretty much out of it. America has had enough Skull and Bones all over the desert sand for a while. How deep is this political cleansing going to go? Well you check out and And we will talk again soon.