Thursday, November 09, 2006



Much ado has been made about the comments of senior members within the Democratic Party regarding the possible impeachment of President Bush. Some, such as myself support it vigorously, however I am fortunate enough that I do not have to do all the leg work, legal research and logistics to participate in determining whether such actions are warranted. Those to whom it is left to determine that particular fate are required to pursue it through means that are much more subtle, intricate, delicate and complex than any blog rant of mine. I believe that it would be improper, for any politician, without having performed the required due diligence, to suggest whether the President will be impeached. That would show bias.

Yes, we writers are able to say that the President should or should not be impeached. We are also able to ask with fervor, “Are you going to impeach the President”? We have that right because we are American’s and the laws of the land preserve that right. Politicians don’t have such liberty so as to throw timing to the wind. So, if pressed in an untimely manner on such an issue a wise politician would certainly say no. They would probably do that for a couple of reasons. First, as I mentioned, there is much work to be done before there can be any such determination. Secondly, there is no need for the Democratic leadership to be guilty of the same brusqueness, arrogance and hubris of which the current administration has been a participant.

In the political field, let us have two things happen which have absent from American politics for some time. Let the laws of the land which were created by the founders of this country do their work for the American people and let the representatives of the people truly represent the people. If we trust in those factors contained in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the truths they contain therein then, we can rest assured and secure that Justice and Balance will reign.

If there is a bit of Diplomacy occurring in the early stages of the Democratic resurgence then that is beautiful. Because diplomacy is also something that has been missing for far too long. Congrats to the Crats; as the polls reflected, America is looking forward to your reign.

1 comment:

Jodin said...

Impeachment is not a criminal justice legal issue. It's a political process.

And there is something you and I can do about it.

Impeach Bush Yourself...