Saturday, October 28, 2006

World War III?

I had a dream. In this dream World War III was on the horizon. I hope it is just a dream. For more info. contact OSIIS.

Friday, October 27, 2006


The question for today ladies and gentlemen, faithful, lovable and loyal readers, is the following. This one is a doozie so take your time.

Should people be able to think whatever it is they want to think? Or, should people only think the way that they are supposed to think? Guarantee this is going to be a 50/50 split?

Personally, I think that people should only think the way they are supposed to think because that's good for Democracy...i think? Or somewhere, somehow I got that understanding that not thinking but going rah...rah...rah stay the course made me a better human being. It glorified me into a world of thinking that I am better than everybody else or superior because I go rah...rah...rah...

Life became Monday Night Football. Except, on MNF there is more strategy and logic than in world geopolitics. I don't know if you sense it but, everyone seems to think there is something brilliant about not thinking. Therefore, if you are the greatest non-thinker you should be the President. There is no need for deep thought. Iran is ready to wipe any opponent off the face of the map. North Korea is giving America the Middle Finger. We are spilling our own blood all over Iraq. Taiwan is about to invest all its money in China. Korea is giving America the Middle Finger. South America is giving the USA the Middle Finger. Basically, the US is sitting and spinning on a whole lot of Middle fingers.

I tried to help. I really did. I never meant to get involved. I was an artist, you know? So, I decided to draw some cartoons one day under the pseudonym of Al Weisman.

Why? Because, as a child I devoured MAD magazine, along with any other available reading material including shampoo bottles and mouthwash labels. I am a reading maniac. Anyhoo,I started drawing political cartoons because it is creative, it is funny and I can.

Before you know it someone finds me, sponsors me and the next thing you know; I am testing to be an FSO at the US Department of State. It was crazy shit!!! Honestly, I didn't even know who the Dept. of State was. I was living in the woods, remotely, peacefully, just looking for a steady living that wasn't the "corporate world". But I am no dummy, once I started studying what I was into, not because I wanted to be a spook, but because I was attracted to the longevity, income, mental utilization and patriotism of it, I started soaking things up.

(What I am trying to say is that until the Dept. of State popped into my life; I had never ever contemplated, much less written a political paper.) So when I wrote what I wrote, I think it caught some people by surprise. They couldn't understand but to me it was easy, still is. I think if I ever took the time to be amazed, it wouldn't be so easy anymore.

Anyway, to make a long story short, my two dogs are dead, my ex is my ex but my life goes on. So, if anyone is interested in hiring a guy that can draw some cartoons and keep a somewhat decent conversation then you can find me at Aloha Discount Liquor in Kihei, HI. That was my reward for my patriotism and trust me even that was hard won.

PS. I am a little tired of being dragged around by the current State of the Union and I would love to go to Europe and learn languages or whatever.

ppss. I would like to xpress my regrets that the private European corporation that was originally interested in my skills got scared away but I understand, you were probably intimidated but you guys looked like and still appear to be a class outfit.

pppsss. And yes, I am unusually candid about this whole scenario. That is because, I have nothing to hide and was just looking for honest work in the first place. You can see some of my toons at Aloha!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bad Content?

Geopolitical Realities of the Chinese–North Korean Relationship

Theory: China is in full support of North Korea belligerence.

Why: North Korean belligerence acts as a military/nuclear deterrent for China.

Research: Chinese involvement in NK War. Chinese 38th parallel involvement.

Why: North Korean belligerence enhances China’s status and reputation in the areas of Stability and Diplomacy.

Why: North Korean belligerence offers China nonimplicative first strike capability.

Why: North Korean belligerence isolates them from the world community and thereby makes China the primary beneficiaries of North Korean dollars and trade.

Why: North Korean belligerence gives China more global negotiating power.

Why: North Korea and China have common political ground, Communism.

Why: North Korea provides protection to Chinese ports and coastline by sealing off the
Korean Bay.

Research: Tanjian

Why: North Korea provides Northeastern China with coastal access to the Sea of Japan.

Research: Shenyang,_The/Trailers/

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Rock N Me

Don’t ask me. I don’t know what happened to America. We used to be sex, drugs and rock n roll. Then somehow we lost our soul. Has the heartbeat of Woodstock been reduced to a Mountain Dew commercial or a Homeland Security Operation? Shit, or better yet, Geeezus Christ, didn’t we used to jam to Swingtown by the Steve Miller band? Weren’t people from around the world flocking to get here? I mean when is the last time we had to rescue some Cuban refugees? Is the land of Castro actually more exciting now then football, hamburgers and Baskin Robbins? Remember when all we had to worry about was the weather? Of course, freedom isn’t free. But what happens when it is not Freedom anymore? Should we change the National Anthem? Remember when there were good fights between the Democrats and Republicans but we all went out to watch Mike Tyson knock someone the f—k out? Somehow, when Iron Mike bit off that chunk of ear we all stopped listening to our Souls.

I mean who has got better music than the USA? No one, baby! I’ll put money on that. Who invented the car, television, phone, and light bulb? I mean without America the world would be some walkin’, no communication, in the dark mutha…shut your mouth! So, let’s can all this right wing, left wing, abortion, gay marriage bullshit. It is starting to look like divide and conquer. Our informed dissent has always made us stronger as a country. From Rage Against The Machine to Sinatra; that was the great thing, everybody in America did their own thing. I don’t know how we went from most loved to most despised overnight. Just listen to “Take the Money and Run” by Steve Miller. I think it is self explanatory.

The bottom line is once we stop havin’ fun and get stuck in some lock step, robotic, automaton-like existence, well, then we ain’t livin’ in the U.S.A. anymore. To tell you the truth, I don’t know who is responsible for f—kn things up so much. It seems like it would have to be a joint effort to do so much damage so fast. I knew the end was near when Janet Jackson’s titty almost shut down television broadcasting. I mean is that the future, we become so self-righteous that while we shed blood around the world we pray with a bullet in our hand. Did you know North Korea’s literacy rate is 99%. I don’t even want to know what it is in America. How important is staying the course when we can’t even spell it? Who knows, I am no magician, or genie. If anything, my friends say I am to idealistic. But, if I can’t be idealistic about America in America then we are all in trouble. You know what I’m talkin’ about!

For inspiration check out Jet Airliner. I guess, this is Steve Miller day for us old coots.

Geopolitical Realities of the Chinese–North Korean Relationship

If I die b4 I wake it was D.O.D. make no mistake.

The following are preliminary focus points on the Geopolitical Realities of the Chinese-North Korean Relationship.

Geopolitical Realities of the Chinese–North Korean Relationship

Theory: China is in full support of North Korea belligerence.

Why: North Korean belligerence acts as a military/nuclear deterrent for China.

Research: Chinese involvement in NK War. Chinese 38th parallel involvement.

Why: North Korean belligerence enhances China’s status and reputation in the areas of Stability and Diplomacy.

Why: North Korean belligerence offers China nonimplicative first strike capability.

Why: North Korean belligerence isolates them from the world community and thereby makes China the primary beneficiaries of North Korean dollars and trade.

Why: North Korean belligerence gives China more global negotiating power.

Why: North Korea and China have common political ground, Communism.

Why: North Korea provides protection to Chinese ports and coastline by sealing off the Korean Bay.

Research: Tanjian

Why: North Korea provides Northeastern China with coastal access to the Sea of Japan.

Research: Shenyang

I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.
Hunter S. Thompson quotes (American Journalist and Author, 1937-2005)