Monday, November 06, 2006



How much information does one need? How many times does something have to be reiterated? How many people, in how many places, in what occupation; have to say the same thing in order to get the message across?

Now the Military Times is speaking through at least four of their newspapers which happen to be, The Marine Corps Times, The Air Force Times, The Army Times and The Navy Times. Can anyone guess what they are saying? They are asking, no…wait, they are telling President Bush that Rumseld must go. How many straws does it take to break in to a red stater’s noggin or a blue state politicians’, for that matter. Excluding, of course, the ones that objected to Bush’s election and the War in the first place. How many of those were there? Not to get sidetracked, it will be hard to ascribe this Military Times editorial to a bunch of left wing kooks that just can’t identify with Middle America. I really think you would be hard pressed to find any pro gun control, gay marriage supporting atheists, in their newsroom or drinking chi-chi’s by the copier, although; it is hard to resist a good chi-chi. No, no my friendly reader let me tell you what the Military Times is all about or better yet I shall show you.

The following quote is taken from, or more simply put It is located in the “About Us” section. Ask and ye shall receive.
“Defense News and its Web site, , are part of the Army Times Publishing Company, the leading military and government news periodical publisher in the world. The defense business-to-business unit of the Army Times Publishing Company is called the Defense News Media Group, and includes the following publications: Defense News, Armed Forces Journal, Training & Simulation Journal and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Journal, along with their Web sites. Army Times Publishing Company’s products also include Army Times, Navy Times, Air Force Time and Marine Corps Times, collectively known as the Military Times Media Group. The Military Times Media Group newsweeklies and companion Web sites are for the rank and file of the U.S. military, covering pay, benefit, career, operational and lifestyle issues affecting the active duty military and the wider U.S. military community. Army Times Publishing Company also produces Federal Times, the leading newsweekly for federal government managers, covering key management issues within all U.S. government departments and agencies.”

Now, when The Military times is telling the President that “Donald Rumsfeld must go”, it could also be inferred that if Donald Rumsfeld doesn’t go that the President’s leadership is in question. It is also a statement that selecting Donald Rumsfeld to be the Secretary of Defense was a horrendous decision and responsible for the mess in Iraq. That’s a pretty hefty statement from “the leading military and government news periodical publisher in the world.” Then you can throw into the pot a host of neocon prototypes fleeing from the scene. According to Vanity Fair and The Guardian; Keith Adelman, Richard Perle, Michael Rubin, David Frum and a host of others are turning on President Bush. Oh my, oh my, timing is everything, is it not? The real irony is that some of these names are hugely responsible for the failed neocon strategy that has consumed world since the Bush Presidency began.

Adelman wrote that “liberating Iraq would be a cakewalk”. Then there is Richard Perle of Plamegate, Chalabi and Mujahedin-e-Khalq.
See (

Then there is David Frum i.e. Mr. Axis of Evil. I tell you Michael Jackson never moon walked this good. When these guys are running; you know the house is on fire. Not to mention, the recent loads of corporate cash flowing over to the Democrats. They always say follow the money. So wake up everybody and check out the Open Source Internet Intelligence Service, specifically,

It’s an April 27, 2006 article called “Blood on the Water” and it is exactly what’s happening now.
The funny thing is that when this whole debacle is over it’s going to be hip to be “progressive”. The unfortunate thing is that many of the supporters of the failed neocon agenda may still be ensconced in their Washington seats, similar to all the Iran-Contra types still loitering around D.C. Who knows, maybe there are some openings at Fox News or The World Bank? Just remember what happened to Joe Leiberman. Where is he now anyway? Wasn’t he a democratic choice for President? John Kerry, well, I think he is pretty much out of it. America has had enough Skull and Bones all over the desert sand for a while. How deep is this political cleansing going to go? Well you check out and And we will talk again soon.

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