Wednesday, April 05, 2006

True American Patriots

True American Patriots

In these days, of the U.S.’s deteriorating democracy, it has become politically expedient to wrap one’s self in the flag. Unfortunately, for America, this flag wrapping exercise is all too often camouflage for the greedy insiders. These greedy insiders believe in the Constitution, Democracy, Bill of Rights and Patriotism to the degree that it allows them to grow their bank accounts and hide their past. When it comes down to a choice between their wallets or America, their wallets always win.

On the other side of the spectrum, you have the true patriots. History will regard these people as heroes. They have put their lives and careers on the line. They have put the health, well-being and security of their country above all else. They are subject to scrutiny, surveillance, harassment and derision in addition to financial challenges.

It would be hard to find an arena more challenging then the Intelligence community for true Patriots to take a stand. Employees in the Intelligence community know all to well the risks entailed in standing up for the truth, i.e. blowing the whistle. Isolation, intimidation and psychological abuse are all par for the course. These patriots become pariahs and have to defend themselves against organizations with unlimited resources at their disposal. Having been “chopped up” my self; I know how excruciating the process can be. That being said I would like to salute the following heroes.

Sybil Edmonds, Russ Tice and the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition

Both Sybil Edmonds and Russ Tice’s stories are incredible they have demonstrated true heroism and courage in their dedication to the United States of America’s National Security and they have done it at no small cost to them selves. America is a better place because of them. Thank you, Sybil and Russ for your service.
All of our True American Patriots need our support. If any readers know of other True American Patriots, deserving recognition and support, feel free to mention them in the comment area.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Enjoyable Quotes

“Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that draw it. Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves.” Dhammapada, Twin Verses, Verses 1-2

Saturday, April 01, 2006



Why is the media obsessed with what Jill Carroll said while she was being held hostage. If any of them were held hostage they would have done as much or more. Either that or they would have been found laying in the streets of Baghdad, most likely in two different places. It was a matter of use your head or lose your head. Jill, god bless the girl, decided to keep hers. For those unthinking who wonder what Jill was thinking; I refer you to Ellen Knickmeyer of The Washington Post,…”think about what they would do for three months with machine guns held to their heads”. I say let them watch the beheading video that might enhance their perspective.

Jill Carroll made it through a hurricane storm and lived to tell about it. Let’s congratulate that sharp American girl for her wits and courage not disparage her for being alive. All things considered; it’s nonsensical to pick on Jill Carroll for her words, not to mention the fact that, we are a free country where vigorous inspirational debate is encouraged. We don’t want to be like a bunch of Saddam Hussein’s with our heads in the clouds sucking up the words of Yes-men, while we lose the war. Democracy, Freedom and Civil Rights are the reason the U.S. is in Iraq. Right? So let us take care of Jill Carroll and welcome her home. That is the Christian thing to do and since she works at the Christian Science Monitor it might be appropriate.

Perhaps there is important information to be attained (read debriefing) but something tells me Jill Carroll is not the Manchurian candidate. It won’t help the War On Terror if Jill Carroll looks worse going through the political meat grinder back home at USA incorporated, then she did while being held hostage by some head chopping Al-Qaeda cell. That may raise a few eyebrows. Jill has already gotten the cover off her head and is smiling for the cameras. Cut her some slack and you’ll get a bigger smile. Jill Carroll is a smiler. That’s why she made it out alive.