Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Open Source Internet Intelligence Service OSIIS INFINICRYP

Serious questions for the U.S. Armed Forces relating to the North Korean missile tests on July 4, 2006.

While taking defensive measures against a possible attack by North Korea; how has the United States exposed its strategy and tactics in the Pacific theatre of operations?

How will this information be interpreted by other nations?

What adaptations and adjustments will be made by other nations in relation to this intelligence?

Was the long range Taepodong missile meant to fail? If so, then why?

How is the inability of China to dissuade North Korea from missile testing to be interpreted?

Has a risk assessment of simultaneous engagements in North Korea, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan been completed?

Where was the failure in U.S. diplomacy?

What was the worst case scenario for the United States in this situation? How can it be prevented in the future?

What adjustments and movements did other nations make to their military apparatus during this crisis? How is that data interpreted?

How is the missile launch timing to be interpreted?

What adjustments need to be made in South Korea and Japan?

Is America underestimating its opponents and overestimating its foreign relations?

Are America’s defensive capabilities more efficient and effective then they were on September 11, 2001?

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