Ray McGovern delivered a first round knockout to dandy don rumsfeld at a recent speech. Don got softened up by three protesters, 2 women and 1 man before Ray Ray got to him. Then Ray Ray did what no one does these days. He spoke truth to power. When he did; the power folded like origami. It is rather hard to battle the truth.
Ray did his research and called Rumsfeld on his quotes about WMD and Zarqawi in Iraq. There was alot of stuttering and alot of confusion for the SecDef. Mostly, there is alot of tape on CNN of the Don directly contradicting himself and there should be. The unfortunate thing is that CNN and other media outlets have had these and many other contradictions under their nose and on tape for years. Former CIA agents and Generals are doing the presses job. Thank God, somebody is.
"The most effectual engines for [pacifying a nation] are the public papers... [A despotic] government always [keeps] a kind of standing army of newswriters who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, [invent] and put into the papers whatever might serve the ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper." --Thomas Jefferson
Ray McGovern, a retired 27 year veteran for the Central Intelligence Agency, is a True American Patriot (TAP). Having briefed Kissinger, Reagan, Bush I, and other notables; Ray McGovern's challenge to Rumsfeld was based on truth not politics.
It makes me proud to be an American when I see people like Ray McGovern. The fact that Ray McGovern performed high level analysis for the CIA reflects positively on the Agency. Chalk one up for CIA Vets and the retired Generals. Who is going to step up next? Will there be another Murtha? Someone inside the Pentagon? The DIA? NSA? State? Maybe even, God forbid, the press might break some of its' own news. One thing is for sure. For every person that speaks out there are five silent ones that feel the same way. Surely, some of those Patriots are working silently from within. In the dark where they have always been and feel most comfortable. Salutations to those True American Patriots working behind the scenes. It will be because of True American Patriots that these walls of greed, deceit, filth and lies that weaken America's national security will fall.
ps. Has anyone seen the Genius Mastermind that engineered an attack on the Pentagon?

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