Monday, April 17, 2006

The Risks of Attacking Iran

OSIIS Open Source Internet Intelligence Service

All current Democratic movements in the Middle East and Iran would be setback.

There would be an increase in vulnerabilities, casualties and chaos in Iraq and Afghanistan.

There would be increased polarization between the US and the rest of the world.

Muslims worldwide would be antagonized.

The number of terrorist attacks against Americans and American Assets worldwide would increase.

The US debt/deficit would be exponentially compounded.

The dollar would be weakened.

US vulnerability to domestic attacks would increase.

US international relations and diplomatic activities would be irreparably damaged.

Other countries would cohesively focus on defensive multilateral responses to US hegemony.

The United States will lose some of its current allies due to internal pressure in their home states.

The likelihood of internal civil unrest/civil war will increase dramatically.

Attacking the United States, it’s assets and interests, at home and abroad, will become a more viable option as our forces face increased engagements and deployments.

The chaotic environment created by a US conflict with Iran will generate long-term upside profitability for oil and oil related interests.

The U.S. Department of Defense will solidify its claims on ever increasing budgetary allocations and expenditures.

Other notable opinions:

Former White House counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke also joined the fray, arguing armed conflict with Iran could backfire and prove even more damaging to US interests than the war with Iraq.

'Strike on Iran to trigger global terror'

Iran would retaliate with a wave of global terror if its nuclear facilities are attacked by the West, British newspaper Sunday Times reports. American experts estimate Muslim republic will strike American targets in U.S., around the world in response to such attack.

Iran has formed battalions of suicide bombers to strike at British and American targets if the nation’s nuclear sites are attacked, British newspaper The Sunday Times reported. The paper quoted Iranian officials who stated that 40,000 trained suicide bombers are ready for action.

The Times has obtained a tape recording of Dr. Hassan Abbasi, head of the Center for Doctrinal Strategic Studies in the Revolutionary Guards, in which he says in a speech that 29 western targets had been identified: “We are ready to attack American a

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