Thursday, April 27, 2006



The feeding frenzy will begin shortly. The Bush White House is not far away from a precipitous fall. Previously immune to any attack of the facts and content with “trust me I’m the president” declarations; the Bush administration is finding itself besieged from all sides. To put it in laymen’s turns, “You can only do so much dirt before you have to take a bath.”

The chair shuffling of Karl Rove was predicted (see “Texas Hold'em: Andy Card is Dealt, Is Rove on the River?”) and as predicted it was window dressing. What is more important is that White House knows it is in trouble. The staff shuffling in itself is a potent indicator of such knowledge. Remember, we are dealing with a President that told us he had the right to spy on Americans and interpret the Bill of Rights as he sees fit. This is the same President that threw the country into war and stuffed the Patriot Act down America’s throat. For what seemed like too incredibly long of a time this President was the Teflon Don, a Supreme Potentate that handed his decisions down to the bewildered citizenship. Well, you can take that whole visual and flip it on its head because, politically speaking, the current administration has created so many enemies they will be lucky to escape resignation and/or impeachment before the end of President Bush’s final term. It may get so bad that, in hindsight, Russ Feingold’s motion to censure could turn out to be the gift horse that was looked in the mouth. Because, the fact of the matter is there is no shuffling, dodging or hiding from Iraq.

Our American men and women in uniform are falling, bleeding and dying every week. They are coming home in body bags, pieces or to the VA for rehab and prosthetics. This is a reality that the Bush administration can’t hide from. More importantly, the soldiers, the Generals couldn’t hide from this reality anymore. It is their boys and girls, their men and women they are sending into harms way and it was no longer acceptable. The Generals speaking out was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. Perhaps, they began to wonder, like many civilians, how America was going to export Democracy by torturing Iraqi’s. Whatever they thought, their voices were heard and now, as the White House plays musical chairs, the war in Iraq goes on. Even if Rumsfeld does resign the war in Iraq goes on. It goes on with out a plan. It goes on without a mission. It goes on with a sage like “uh-duh….we got to get a government in there”. That is quite the far cry from Mission Accomplished. Meanwhile, sons and daughters of Democrats and Republicans continue to die everyday. For those neocon hand puppets who denounce any challenging discussion of the war by saying its unpatriotic and hurts our troops; I dare you to go tell any member of the 82nd Airborne that they are unpatriotic and hurting their brothers and sisters in uniform. I bet you end up on your keister. Such accusations might be better directed toward the multi-billion dollar oil profiteers and half billion dollar CEO’s.

The Bush White House has run over too many people and made too many enemies. The shortlist is a long list. It ranges from unemployed victims of outsourcing to intelligence agents compromised by name dropping, from public servants who believe in free speech to federal agents who don’t want privacy breeched, FISA judge resignations, corporate accounting orchestrations, judicially elected President’s, homeless Katrina residents, manipulated voter scrolls, voting machines by Diebold. The list of egregious, possibly illegal, acts by this administration is endless and surely the most extensive of any presidency. One really wonders how President Clinton’s “sexual relations” got such incredible media attention at the time.
All things considered, OSIIS is predicting that the current administration will be brought down in scandal and the purging will be deep. So, investigative journalists get your pens ready because careers are about to be made. Republicans are best advised to put as much distance between themselves and the administration as possible. Wavering Democrats be careful not to lose a limb during the forthcoming carnivorous carnival. This one is going to be ugly. I know it. A little bird told me so.

Lastly, keep your eye on the NSA “spying on Americans” issue. When that whole package gets unwrapped…how best to put it? You have heard the expression who watches the Watcher. Well, what about who listens to the Listener and what happens when they have tapes?

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